Slide Presentations (Assign. 3/12)

This semester, you will be responsible for a slide presentation based upon a global topic.

Presentations must:

  • Run at least 10 minutes—you may utilize any presentation program you like (e.g. PowerPoint, Slides)
  • Be 10-12 slides in length, excluding cover slide and works cited—introduction and conclusion slides are mandatory; presentations without an introduction and/or conclusion cannot receive full points
  • Include at least one multimedia clip—no longer than 2 minutes in length
  • Include an MLA Style works cited slide—not to be presented
  • Include a one-page handout—to be distributed to the class the day before your presentation via Canvas
  • Be crafted in Packback before presenting
  • Be submitted to Canvas no later than the day of your presentation


  • To present on Zoom, you will be made a co-host. Be sure to select "Share Sound" before sharing your screen.
  • Not required, but presenting with your camera on can significantly improve class engagement


  1. Travel the Sustainable Way: All About Eco-Tourism
  2. Who are the Uyghurs?
  3. Buyer Wanted: Why Nobody Wants to Host the Olympics Anymore
  4. Cricket 101
  5. How it Works: Human Trafficking
  6. Dark Tourism: The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Aokigahara Forest, and La Isla de las Muñecas
  7. Hip Hop Goes Global: Three International Acts to Watch
  8. How it Works: The Heroin Trade
  9. Blood in the Water: Inside the Taiji Dolphin Trade
  10. Safe Havens: The Five Most Climate Change-Resilient Global Cities
  11. If You Have to Ask How Much it Costs ... : Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Resorts
  12. In Too Deep: What is the Mariana Trench?
  13. Australian Rules Football 101 
  14. Eurovision, the World’s Biggest Music Competition (That America Knows Nothing About)
  15. Life in South Sudan, the Poorest Country on the Planet
  16. Inside Global Sex Tourism
  17. "One Country, Two Systems": Understanding China and Hong Kong Tensions
  18. Access Forbidden: Snake Island, Poveglia Island, and North Sentinel Island
  19. Lost Cities: Derinkuyu, Angkor, Pompeii, and Palenque
  20. Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Around the World
  21. The Great Canal Cities of the World (That Aren’t Venice)
  22. Amnesty International and the Fight for Human Rights
  23. Divorce Proceedings: The Secession Movements of Quebec, Sicily, Northern Ireland, and Chiapas
  24. What to Know About Vladimir Putin
  25. Four Places to Visit—Before They Disappear
  26. Strange Places: Hoia Baciu, The Mapimí Silent Zone, and The Nazca Lines
  27. The Cup Comes to the Americas: The 2026 FIFA World Cup 
  28. Striking Terror: Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, and Islamic State
  29. What to Know About Kim Jong-un
  30. Take Us to Your Leader: What are the Plans for Alien First Contact?
  31. Should American Students Take Gap Years?
  32. A World of Cryptids: Orang Pendek, Champ, and Mokèlé-mbèmbé
  33. Le Paris Alternatif: What Most Tourists Don’t Do or See
  34. The Great Barrier Reef: System Failure
  35. How it Works: The Ivory Trade 
  36. Hoof!: All about the English Premier League
  37. The Hunt is On: 21st Century Treasure Hunters
  38. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault—and Why We Need It
  39. What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
  40. World Festivals: Buñol’s La Tomatina, Siena’s Il Palio, and Oaxaca’s Dia de los Muertos


Week 10: Fri 3.29

  1. Ben Pin - What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
  2. Michelle N: - How it Works: The Ivory Trade 

Week 12: Fri 4.12

  1. Fady S: Hoof!: All about the English Premier League
  2. Andrew B: Strange Places: Hoia Baciu, The Mapimí Silent Zone, and The Nazca Lines 

Week 13: Fri 4.19

  1. Shwun H: What to know About Kim Jong-un 

Week 14: Fri 4.26

  1. Cameron C: Access Forbidden: Snake Island, Poveglia Island, and North Sentinel Island
  2. Ethan P: The Great Barrier Reef: System Failure
  3. Victoria C: In Too Deep: What is the Mariana Trench?
  4. Krish V. Lost Cities: Derinkuyu, Angkor, Pompeii, and Palenque
  5. Yash K: What to Know About Vladimir Putin

Week 15: Fri 5.3

  1. ET H: Safe Havens: The Five Most Climate Change-Resilient Global Cities
  2. Pasha S: How it Works: The Heroin Trade
  3. Kevin PO: World Festivals: Buñol’s La Tomatina, Siena’s Il Palio, and Oaxaca’s Dia de los Muertos 
  4. Darin M: Blood in the Water: Inside the Taiji Dolphin Trade
  5. Jayden M: Take Us to Your Leader: What are the Plans for Alien First Contact?

Week 16: Fri 5.10

  1. Ty G: A World of Cryptids: Orang Pendek, Champ, and Mokèlé-mbèmbé
  2. Eddie B: How It Works: Human Trafficking
  3. Martina S: Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Around the World
  4. Muzzammil M.: Who are the Uyghurs?


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